Snow in the Forecast?
February 8th, 2021
by Katrina Brooke
The Shyne School will announce snow or weather closures for Only (9:00-11:30 AM) or Plus (9:00 AM to 12:30/1:00 or 2:00 PM) schedules if we have a snow storm that local school districts would normally close for.
If they would close, we will cancel our Only and Plus day students classes. We will then add a make up day to the end of the year. If they have a delayed start time, we will post if we will have a delayed opening, or not, based on the weather.
For Full Day Students we open if our teachers can safely get to work. If the weather forces us to do so we leave a SCHOOL IS CLOSED message on the schools voice mail by 6:00 am. An e-mail will be sent to your e-mail address and posted on our web site message board & Facebook Page, if we have power, in the event of a closure.
With winter storms please check our web site, Facebook page and your e-mail in case we lose power/heat/water and need to unexpectedly start late or close early. We will call parents as needed.
In addition, due to such a steep driveway we have de-icing methods stocked up and ready to go! Tri Landscaping will do snow removal. We cannot do snow removal until the storm is over.
In case of emergency, and we are at school for an extended time, each child has an emergency kit so we are prepared!
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