Covid Testing

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To help parents find testing, a difficult time to find a test, here is a resource list.  If you choose not to test your student, you must quarantine for 10 days from direct contact or from when symptoms start.
Covid testing resource
When our kids either have covid symptoms or have had an exposure, we call our pediatrician's office (Woodinville Pediatrics) and the nurses call in a referral to the Children's Hospital testing site (they have one in Sand Point and one in Bellevue). The referral goes through in about 15 minutes and the testing sites almost always have same day availability, turnaround is usually 24 hours, always PCR and no waiting in any lines- we get right in. They have been great, the only issue has been they don't do adults
Covid Clinic Everett:
Polyclinic Seattle:
House Call Doctors PNW;
NO TESTs available? You have an unopened home test?
You will need to verify the unopened test with a teacher, do the test and then show the staff the test results.   I know this will add 20 minutes to your drop off time.

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