- We are offering free weekly covid testing to stop the spread of covid.
- You self-collect the sample from just the nostril, one-half inch inside the nose.
- We mail in the sample, and you get the results emailed in 48 hrs.
- You set up an account,
- You swab your child at drop off and/or self and leave the card with the name of who took the test (child's/adult name) on the director's desk.
- The test is dropped into a box and mailed after 10:30 AM on Wednesdays.
- You can come just on Wednesdays to test or make arrangements to test Tuesday evenings with the director.
How to set up an account:
Register once, test weekly. Open to Parents, students, and staff. Families use the student link for parents and students
Please note that you only need to register for testing at this site once. If you have registered before, you can visit this testing site again and follow testing directions. If you are visiting another testing site, you will have to register there.
What kind of results will I receive?
The Color COVID-19 Test is a nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT) assay that tests for an active infection of COVID-19. It is Rapid PCR test. The Color Test tests for an active infection of COVID-19. You will receive a full, downloadable testing report (PDF) from Color, a CAP and CLIA certified clinical testing laboratory. Here's what to expect in your testing report:
- Your personal details, such as name, date of birth, and sex,
- The result of your COVID-19 testing sample (whether SARS-CoV-2 RNA, or the viral information that causes COVID-19, was detected in your sample),
- The type of sample collected,
- The date your sample was collected, and the date your report was released,
- The credentials of our laboratory (including CLIA & CAP number).
Have a wonderful day!
Katrina Brooke
The Shyne School
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