Back to School September 6, 2016!!

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Dear Parents, I would like to welcome you to The Shyne School.  Thank you for entrusting us with the care and potential of your child.  Once you have registered you are part of our Open Door Policy.  You are welcome to stop by and see your child and what they are doing at any time of the day.  Please keep in mind how your child transitions away from you and the daily schedule when you plan to drop by.  We promise to have lots of very active children for you to interact with. We value parent involvement in our classrooms.  Parents are not required to volunteer to work in the room, make play dough, wash toys, or go with us on field trips, but are welcome to help!  When a parent is involved it sends a strong message to their children that they value education.  We try to give parents lots of opportunities to be involved and active in our small community from helping in the classroom to attending center wide events.  We hope you enjoy your time here. NEW families Please Remember: I must have full registration forms (Registration, Tuition Agreement, TWO page Health History, Overall Consent, Immunization and parent orientation form) for your child before they can start school.  Please turn in your forms by August 8th. Please update information as it changes. We also request you supply and extra set of clothes, labeled in a zip-lock bag.  Any item a child can take off needs to be labeled.  Please send your child in well “loved” clothes to school, because they will be playing and working hard. They may often come home dirty! If your child takes a nap at school, a favorite blanket or other sleep associated object can help your child settle in at nap time. Please label all items brought from home with your child’s name. Clock your child in at the beginning of the day and out at the end of the day. Register with our system on your transition days to seed along the process of clocking in on the first day. Walk your child to their teacher when you arrive and say good-bye to your child so they know you are leaving for the day. At the end of the day say good-bye to the teachers so we know you are taking your child home. Please check cubbies, parent pockets and art files daily (pick up notes and projects). Please leave your cell phone in the car so your child and teacher can have your full attention. Please feel free to come and explore the school on a weekend.  It is a calm and quiet time for your child to explore this new environment.  We want them to have a positive feeling about the school. We just ask you leave the play yards in as good or better condition then when you arrive. Our parking is limited and gets very full from 8:50 am to 9:10 am each morning.  To relieve this congested time we encourage you to come up to a half an hour early (8:30 am), at no additional charge.  If you do arrive and the lot is full PLEASE be patient and wait at the top of the hill for a spot to open up.  The wait is usually just a few minutes. PLEASE DO NOT DOUBLE PARK! It increases the wait time for everyone else. We also ask that you drop your child off quickly during this time.  If you plan on staying please come after 9:20 or park a road over on NE 137th Street.  We do not recommend parking on Avondale. We are always available and want to meet you and your child’s needs, so please never hesitate to give us a call, e-mail or stop by if you have any questions or concerns. Our doors are always open. Teachers will send home a copy of the initial Developmental Milestones check list by the end of November (first 90 days of school). Parent conferences are available upon your request and from  November to January.  You can view the check list on line by age at Thank You, Katrina Brooke and The Shyne School Staff

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  13613 Avondale Rd NE, Woodinville, WA 98072


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