Are you a service/product provider instead of a parent?

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If so, your children are your consumers, not part of the family team. Many homes operate this way. While parents work hard to provide the best, their ungrateful children expect more and more, while making little effort to help. These children live like honored guests in the home.   This parenting style robs kids of the basic human need for being an important member of a group. It breeds hostile dependency, not loving appreciation.   Make a list of all the jobs it takes to keep your family going. Continue to add to this list and keep it on the refrigerator. This long list should include jobs like earning the money for the family, paying bills, etc. Have your children add jobs they like you to do for them. This will be an eye opener for everyone.   Once the list is finished, divide up the jobs and make everyone in the family part of the team for family survival. If you don't know how to get the kids to do their chores, listen to our audio, Love and Logic Solutions, and discover some simple rules that can change your life.   Thanks for reading! Our goal is to help as many families as possible. If this is a benefit, forward it to a friend.   JimĀ  Fay    

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