Affluence Distraction Disorder (ADD)

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Prior to the 1950s most American children grew up without many of the things they wanted. Because of this, most imagined what it might be like to someday struggle above their meager circumstances and "arrive" at a more comfortable standard of living. Getting a good education was seen as the primary vehicle for attaining this dream. Over the last five decades, the amount of unneeded stuff possessed by many American children has dramatically squelched this dreaming process. There's no need to dream or work toward things you already have.


In my book, From Bad Grades to a Great Life, I share the most important things we can do to prevent Affluence Distraction Disorder:

  • Spend as much time as possible with our kids.
  • Play with them.
  • Listen to them.
  • Comfort them when they are hurting.
  • Rejoice with them when they are glad.
  • Enjoy them with all of our hearts.
  • Teach them to spend less than they make.
  • Show them how to base their happiness on relationships not retail goods.

When children have parents who give the greatest gifts…their love and their time…they don’t care as much about having lots of expensive stuff.


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Dr. Charles Fay - Love and Logic

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